Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Please Go To.......

My mom has an Etsy. Which is like an online store. I would like for you to check it out. Go to etsy.com then scroll down to sellers and type in foundhomedesigns. ( no spaces) Go through it and see if you like anything. Please tell your friends. You can also look at her blog. Go to foundhomedesigns.blogspot.com. THANK YOU!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Funky things I've made

I made this reversible pillow out of 2 funky fabrics.

I made this pin cushion out of cool fabric.

My mom made this pillow for me
and it is now on my bed. It is so
soft and fuzzy. I love laying on it.

Pin cushions and pillows are easy because you have 4 straight seams on the sewing machine.You just have to leave a small space open for stuffing. After sewing 4 sides you turn the pillow right side out, stuff, then hand-stitch the opening closed. And you have a finished pillow or pin cushion. Easy!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Spoiled Pups

This is Belle. She is a Lab and Beagle mix. We
call her " Needy" because she always is looking
for attention. She is always ready for the camera
and ready for action. Ears perked, head up, let's
go. Today she was laying on the deck because it
was so hot. Sugar was paying no attention to the

This is Sugar. She is a Terrier mix. I took
this picture when she was playing with her
favorite toy, her ball. It looks as if she was
practically posing. Not even paying attention
to the camera. I think she saw a squirrl the
way her ears were perked up.

Sugar is still playing with that ball. She is running in circles with it now. She is always Miss Priss trotting around on her toes. She is wearing a cat collar because no dog collar will fit her.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Me and my 2 friends were in the talent show. We
all had matching shirts and we sang White Horse
by Taylor Swift. Everyone thought that we were the hit of the show. There were 56 people who tried out and we were one of the thirteen who got picked. The middle one Brittany, her mom bought us the shirts.

Miss Writer

I love to write. So does my mom. She used to write for 2 newpapers. Writing is my favorite subject. I love to sit on the stump in the garden
or in "My Tree" to write. I'm always focused.
I love to write stories and reports. I want to be
a journalist when I grow up. I have wrote many
stories starting in first grade.

Sewing Lessons

I wanted to learn to sew because my grandma sew's and I thought I should learn. My grandma
taught my mom so my mom helped me. I practiced on an old piece of cloth and sewed a straight seam. My mom helped me learn the sewing machine parts. Then I upgraded to a pin cushion. I am hoping to make a quilt or atleast help my mom make one.

Up a tree

I love to climb trees. I climb the tree in our front
yard. This tree is a Dogwood tree. Our state tree.
It has good low branches perfect for climbing. On
this particular day I stayed in " My Tree" longer than usual because the weather was nice. My mom felt the need to take pictures of me like always.

My bedroom

This is my bedroom. We got this comforter from Linen's "n" Things. I love to read and write on my bed because it is soooooooo comfy and very funky!!! My style is funky and cute!!!


Welcome to my blog. This blog is mostly about me, my life style, and my family/friends. I am crafty and a writer. Me and my mom love to sew, scrapbook , garden, and do lots of other things especially travel. I have a sister named Taylor that is 14 and I still call her sissy. You never know what you might see in this blog. By the way I am 10 and going into the 6th grade. My birthday is in August so I am almost 11. I have 2 dogs named Sugar and Belle. I hope you enjoy my blog!